Am I too late to join your group?

I’ve received this question many times in the last 24 hours. If you are a property owner who live in or has property in one the subdivisions listed in the previous post regarding scheduled lease signing meetings and have not already signed a gas lease contract you may still join our group.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Check the subdivision list (see the above link to display) to see if your property is in one of the approved subdivisions.
  2. Find your subdivision’s signing date and timeframe. This is listed in the linked post above as well.
  3. On the scheduled day for your subdivision’s signing, show up at appointed timeframe at Pleasantview Baptist Church. Bring your driver’s licensce and spouse or other person(s) who is listed on the deed to your properties.

If you were not in our database originally you will be a “walk-up” member. Basically, this means that Paloma will not have any paperwork that is pre-printed with your information. Therefore, you will need to fill out the gas lease packet paperwork at that time. The Paloma folks will assist you with this task.

If you don’t know what subdivision you live in, go to the Tarrant Appraisal District website and do a property data search by Location Address. The entry will tell you in which subdivision your property is located.

Click on the link below to display some helpful instructions from Paloma on the signing process and what to bring with your on your signing day.

Paloma Resources Statement – Instructions for Signing Day

Finally, for any property owners, such as those:

  • who live out of the area, state or country
  • who will be out of town on vacation or for business
  • who are elderly and/or shut-in
  • who are military on assignment overseas
  • who are ill or in the hospital
  • who have have any special or unusual circumstance

that would prevent them from being able to be present on their signing date and time, please contact Paloma’s offices directly so that you can make arrangements with them to sign your gas lease. Paloma’s main number is 817-332-4900.