Clarification to an earlier post – Maximize your acreage

Please see the update to an earlier post regarding how to measure to the middle of the street and obtaining lot measurements.  I changed some of the wording and, hopefully, this will remove some of the confusion.

Saturday’s signing day has been rescheduled

I just received word from Paloma that the signing meeting that was previously scheduled for this Saturday, February 16, 2008 from 10:00am to 2:00pm will need to be postponed. Apparently, some of Paloma’s office staff have been out sick. As a result, this lack of staff members has backed them up on other deadlines they are trying to meet prior to ours which, in turn, has pushed our Saturday signing date back.

The new GREEN Group signing day will be on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

Incidentally, any RED Group or BLUE Group members who were unable to make their originally scheduled signing dates last week or this week are welcome to come out next Tuesday to sign their gas leases.

Please tell of your neighbors who are property owners in any of the approved subdivisions who might just now be learning about Neighborhood Group’s deal with Paloma that they are welcome to show up as “walk-ins” to speak with one of the Paloma reps about signing a gas lease with our Group.

As usual, the signing meeting will take place at Pleasantview Baptist Church.

There will be at least one additional signing day after next Tuesday, but the exact date has not been determined yet. As soon as it is, I will let the group know what it is.

Sorry for the inconvenience of this schedule shuffle.

Am I too late to join your group?

I’ve received this question many times in the last 24 hours. If you are a property owner who live in or has property in one the subdivisions listed in the previous post regarding scheduled lease signing meetings and have not already signed a gas lease contract you may still join our group.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Check the subdivision list (see the above link to display) to see if your property is in one of the approved subdivisions.
  2. Find your subdivision’s signing date and timeframe. This is listed in the linked post above as well.
  3. On the scheduled day for your subdivision’s signing, show up at appointed timeframe at Pleasantview Baptist Church. Bring your driver’s licensce and spouse or other person(s) who is listed on the deed to your properties.

If you were not in our database originally you will be a “walk-up” member. Basically, this means that Paloma will not have any paperwork that is pre-printed with your information. Therefore, you will need to fill out the gas lease packet paperwork at that time. The Paloma folks will assist you with this task.

If you don’t know what subdivision you live in, go to the Tarrant Appraisal District website and do a property data search by Location Address. The entry will tell you in which subdivision your property is located.

Click on the link below to display some helpful instructions from Paloma on the signing process and what to bring with your on your signing day.

Paloma Resources Statement – Instructions for Signing Day

Finally, for any property owners, such as those:

  • who live out of the area, state or country
  • who will be out of town on vacation or for business
  • who are elderly and/or shut-in
  • who are military on assignment overseas
  • who are ill or in the hospital
  • who have have any special or unusual circumstance

that would prevent them from being able to be present on their signing date and time, please contact Paloma’s offices directly so that you can make arrangements with them to sign your gas lease. Paloma’s main number is 817-332-4900.

FAQs in holding pattern

I’m still searching for answers to the questions that you asked this week. I alluded to one of those question in the previous post, i.e., what are signing options for property owners who don’t live nearby or may even live out of state or who may be out of town on signing dates.

I’ve sent a list of questions to Paloma to see if they can provide some answers. As I noted previously, Paloma has many deadlines they are trying to meet around North Texas so I may not get all the answers.

In the end, all of the details of our gas lease deal will be spelled out in an overview document that will be provided by Paloma and which I will link to once it is received. So, regardless of whether I get answers this week or not, the questions you have will, ultimately, be answered. It’s just that due to Paloma’s tight deadlines they may not be answered until we receive the overview document. I just want you to be aware.

I’ll keep on the trail and post answers as they come to me. Thanks for understanding.

No contract signings this week

There will not be any contract signing this week. Initially, Paloma thought they might be able to schedule the first contract signings this week. However, they’ve had to push their schedule back by a few days due to their volume of work and several other hard deadlines that they’ve previously agreed to in other deals they’re involved in around North Texas.

The new first day for our group is tentatively scheduled for February 7, 2008. I want to stress that this date is TENTATIVE. Once Paloma confirms that date, hopefully by week’s end, I will inform you so that you’ll have time to make plans. Don’t worry, once confirmed those dates will be announced here and via email in BIG, BOLD letters!

I appreciate everyone’s understanding that these scheduling issues are somewhat fluid. Sometimes changes in deadlines or schedules with groups that Paloma is trying to wrap up cascade down and affect other groups, such as ours. Paloma has assured us that they are doing all of the preparation work for our group’s signing dates, they just need a bit more time.

Also, I’ve asked Paloma to inform us what options will there be for property owners in our group who either don’t live in the area or will be out of town and may miss the signing dates once they are announced. When I receive an answer to that question I will let everyone know.

Gas Lease FAQs post coming soon

Many of you are asking some good questions. I will be putting up a post with those Questions and Answers, hopefully, by tomorrow sometime. When I do get it posted I will alert our members by email to let them know that this info is available here on the blog.

So what happens next?

As I reported earlier, we have reached a tentative agreement with Paloma Resources but there is still work to be done.   Bob and Randy will be meeting face-to-face with the Paloma representatives to work out further details including a formal letter of agreement, the gas lease contract itself, as well as the timeline to completion.  This includes arranging a series signing meetings for homeowners, procedures for disbursement of monies, etc. 

This has not taken place yet.   Rumors are creeping up that are straying from the facts of the matter.   The bottom line is if you did not receive instructions or an update in the form of an email from Bob Haelle in your “Inbox” then it is rumor and you should dismiss it. 

This situation with Paloma is still unfolding.  As we meet, discuss and reach agreements the process will begin to take shape as it should.   Also, as we pass each of these “milemarkers” we will bring you up-to-date on them via email and this blog. 

Be advised that even though we have reached this tentative agreement, you are likely to receive personal offers from various individuals and/or entities regarding your mineral rights.  We ask that you remember that any update, alert or call to action for the group will come from Bob Haelle only and broadcast again by this blog.   So if you do receive another offer we ask that you please disregard so that we may finish what we have started together.

Thanks once again for your patience and endurance. 

It’s gonna be a Happy New Year

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and that if you traveled for the Christmas festivities that you had a safe return home. Bob sent out a note yesterday thanking everyone for their patience and steadfastness in keeping our group on one accord and I concur with him. We’ve had a couple of issues with duplicate or missing forms but that issue is nearly resolved.

To summarize Bob’s email, we are getting close to concluding the business of getting an agreement with one of the gas companies. The lease proposal will be completed shortly after which we will have the attorney (whose services have been kindly donated) look it over to ensure its legal integrity.

After that, the gas company representatives and our lease negotiation committee will sit down to do some hagglin’ and horse tradin’. Once we reach an acceptable agreement, a signing day and place will be set. At that point, our group members who stuck with us will be able take a very pleasant stroll down to their respective banks to make a well earned deposit.

We want everyone who is within our boundaries (click here to see map) to benefit from our group’s negotiation. Talk to or call your neighbors. If they have not yet joined our group and they are still unsigned.  Let them know that the deadline is fast approaching when we will have to cut off membership to our group.   To get on board with us just have them download our new member information form (see link below) and follow the written instructions on it. They will need to act fast to turn in their form and be counted in our group.

Again, we want to thank all of our members for sticking with us and staying the course. Your dedication is about to reap rewards.

I wish you all a very safe and Happy New Year and a very prosperous one as well.

NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP New Member Information form