Money is a good thing, but it’s not the only thing

Many residents who have formed neighborhood groups to deal with energy companies seeking drill sites have found that by negotiating as a committed bloc of homeowners they’ve been able to obtain bonus and royalty terms higher than they could have possibly obtained as individuals. And that’s a good thing!

However, while financial terms are normally the primary concern of most negotiations, they aren’t the only areas of the contract where concessions can be obtained. Many neighborhoods have lobbied for and received concessions regarding safety issues, environmental considerations, and much more.

I am posting links to gas lease contracts that other neighborhoods in Tarrant county have drawn up with energy companies after successful negotiations. Those who are interested can read through them and see the outcome of their talks are spelled out in the terms and conditions of the contract. (Note: unless otherwise indicated the following contract links will take you directly to the PDF or Word document. FYI.)

Tanglewood (Fort Worth)

Berkeley Place/Ryan Place (Fort Worth) [from Blogging the Barnett Shale]

Mistletoe Heights (Fort Worth) [from Blogging the Barnett Shale]

Pantego and (some adjacent portions of) Arlington final contract [website]

I’ll update with more as I receive them.

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