It’s gonna be a Happy New Year

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and that if you traveled for the Christmas festivities that you had a safe return home. Bob sent out a note yesterday thanking everyone for their patience and steadfastness in keeping our group on one accord and I concur with him. We’ve had a couple of issues with duplicate or missing forms but that issue is nearly resolved.

To summarize Bob’s email, we are getting close to concluding the business of getting an agreement with one of the gas companies. The lease proposal will be completed shortly after which we will have the attorney (whose services have been kindly donated) look it over to ensure its legal integrity.

After that, the gas company representatives and our lease negotiation committee will sit down to do some hagglin’ and horse tradin’. Once we reach an acceptable agreement, a signing day and place will be set. At that point, our group members who stuck with us will be able take a very pleasant stroll down to their respective banks to make a well earned deposit.

We want everyone who is within our boundaries (click here to see map) to benefit from our group’s negotiation. Talk to or call your neighbors. If they have not yet joined our group and they are still unsigned.  Let them know that the deadline is fast approaching when we will have to cut off membership to our group.   To get on board with us just have them download our new member information form (see link below) and follow the written instructions on it. They will need to act fast to turn in their form and be counted in our group.

Again, we want to thank all of our members for sticking with us and staying the course. Your dedication is about to reap rewards.

I wish you all a very safe and Happy New Year and a very prosperous one as well.

NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP New Member Information form